September 15, 2011

Let the new season begin!

Welcome 15s!! And others too I guess.

For all you who don't know what Dartmouth Ultimate is all about, feel free to explore our website and learn more about the program.

Here's what's going on these days, and also looking forward into this Fall:

  • During the 15s Orientation week (9/14 - 9/20) there will be lots of frisbee tossing on the green, with more organized Ultimate-like games (mainly "boot") going on at 2pm every day. This is a great opportunity to get to know some of the current players who are unbelievably eager to meet you, as well as fellow 15s.
  • Practices are held Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3-6pm at the Sachem fields (a mile down Main Street). There will be rides leaving from Dartmouth Hall at appx. 2:50 on those days. Practices will begin on Wed. or Fri. the first week of classes. No experience is required, and everyone is more than welcome to show up. There will be plenty of people there who have touched a disc once or twice or never, so don't worry about lacking experience! We will spend the first few practices teaching rules and fundamentals so that by week 2, everyone's on the same page. If you want to know when practices start, see the next bullet point.
  • Get on our blitz list! If you want to know what's going on in the Dartmouth Ultimate community, you should absolutely send a blitz to saying that you want to join the blitz list. That way you will receive information about when people are tossing, playing on the green, and when we're having practices.

We look forward to seeing you out there!