September 26, 2010

First Fall Practice!

“You guys look like an army”
Thought by awestruck Women's player, upon witnessing the horde of chiseled men warming up

Yesterday, September 23rd, was the first ultimate practice of the fall. After a boot-filled orientation, followed up by diligent stalking, recruiting, and general administrative work, the venerable politburo of Dartmouth Ultimate succeeded in luring freshmen to pastoral Sachem.
Once we had them in our grip, and after a brief warmup, the captains and Brook introduced themselves and explained some general things about the program. With the boring talking section out of the way, we started teaching them the basic skills: throwing, cutting, marking. The leadership was aided by a whole slew of “extensively awesome upperclassmen” in teaching the 14's and other newcomers, who, it must be said, displayed a great level of skill. Every year the freshman class comes in with more ultimate experience, making teaching that much easier.
After this, the returners played two points of a mandatory showcase, just to give the new guys a sense of what (close to) full speed, (gratuitous) layout-rich ultimate looks like. Then we scrimmaged.
At the end of practice the captains led us in a stretching circle in which each person introduced themselves and revealed their first AOL screen name. Highlights included: freakykid59, larsistrouble, barnthazul. Fun times. We went bananas at the end.